Thursday, July 1, 2010

To Do or Not To Do?

I have been away for a looong time,
And that says it All...

I had been caught up with lots of issues (thanks to my foolishness and procrastination),
but now I realise how much I've learnt in the last 6 months and I would always look back to this phase as my Best Teacher...

But, today, at this very moment something crucial is raging inside me...
How often have I been selfish (I mean not using people or being egoistic or nastily diplomatic) but a genuine concern of how much I get caught up in my own circle of friends and family, my problems, their problems, my achievements, their achievements. How often do I really think about making my society, my city, my country, my world a better place?

Just saw a documentary on the Mumbai Railways and was really amazed to know about how Slumdog Millionaire is for real! A runaway kid, Balu followed all the jobs that could be done at the Thane Station and now that he is happily married with 3 kids and enough money to be safe and secure for the rest of his life, he has gone back to the Station.

He is now helping the hundreds of runaway kids to be independent and protect them from crime and exploitation, to save them from dangers he once faced. He is truly taking care of his own past.

On the other hand, I have graduated and starting a new phase of my life very soon.
Everythings perfect and with important lessons learnt I dream bigger and bigger.

But what do I dream about my fellow people? I dont want to become a billionaire while thousands still die of hunger outside. Something has to be done!

And I know, there is a smarter way to do it. And searching it is the new mission.
The new question is:

To Do and How To Do It?

Please help me find a way out :)

1 comment:

  1. :)
    I suggest you to watch the video of the trains in China as the I believe Mumbai rails are proceeding a similar direction.
    As many city planners and architects might suggest the easiest way to make our society a better simpler place is to to stay in your workplace zone.
    Many upcoming townships suggest an eco friendly environment where people work @ 10min walking I may suggest you to earn so much to buy a house on Cuffe parade if you intend to work in the central business district of Mumbai.
